Allys’ diary – episode 1

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Stories

2102 September 5th

The winds are coming in from north and faster than we expected, temperatures dropped to 10 degrees last night… If things go on like this we are in for a large challenge…
Allys woke up in the crisp air – the sky dark with storm clouds that she could see from the small window. She was laying in a small Vintage bed inside a rustic cabin deep in the woods. A shiver ran through her spine as a gust of wind forced a new chill into the space. She knew this was going to be a hard day…
I got up earlier than usual because a meeting had been called in head quarters. We established a plan, one we hoped would work for the weather seemed to promise more cold weather leading to a low of -1 in the next 4 days. This is a big problem…. We decided to officially start the annual Crispfire. Usually, the everburning Crisp Fire is only lit around late October or early November….
As they went into the unfenced areas of the Boularand pine forest a new challenge awaited them…RedScalers. The creatures seemed to have created a burrow 2 kilometers away from the great fence and this was a problem, a big problem…

I smelled it from far, their strong fiery stench could be smelled from 1 kilometer away! They appeared from behind trees and from under shrubs… Their red scales glistening with sweat…While some of us fought them off, others, like me, stuffed as many leaves, mushrooms, pine needles and twigs into our woven baskets as we could Then, we ran.

They fought off one or two of the RedScales, but not many…Although they would not be able to enter the fenced area, they would, if not defeated quickly, trap them in…

2102 September 6th

I am scared for our tribe.
Things are not looking good. Storm winds have come and it smells of snow…
We lost a person in the night for uncertain reasons. He just disappeared…
We also started the Crisp fire at 10:40 AM
We lit the Crisp fire and are working on the canopy above the high fire… Hunter Precie-Vakie went with his crew to find fresh meat…Let’s hope they return.
We made a large portion of soup for everyone and Kilie discovered a blueberry bush near the fence… At least something went right today… I also walked down to West Q of the fenced area and found out that part of our security borders are damaged for some strange reason…. This is a problem because after this happened something could have gotten in… Or gotten out…
If some of the creatures from the Boularand pine forest came into The Fenced Area it would be a huge problem. Or, even worse… If The Thoi got out…  Although this would not be a huge problem to the civilization itself, the things around it would be changed for the unknown…
2102 September 7th
Investigation has started and the fence has been fixed again. If there is a creature, or even worse, creatures, lurking about The Fenced Area, then we would have to open the fence for good… Meaning the end of our civilization…. I am usually not this negative… I don’t know why… I suppose it’s because of the meteor that hit a few weeks ago… The gasses are said to have temporary effects on the brain…
Madrid, a kitchen maid, said that Lara, a girl whom her best friend’s cousin knew, has gone mad after coming very close to the meteor…

Lara’s madness was reported and she was immediately taken into therapy… Just in-case it has something to do with the meteor we fenced out the area forbidding anybody to go near it… Let’s hope the meteor has nothing to do with Lara’s Madness…

Storm clouds are hurling around the pine forest causing pines to fall over houses

2102 September 8th

Everything seems to be going wrong… Why?

A mist has risen across the Boularand pine forest…

2102 September 9th

There was a sound in the night…

A strange silence has crept over Boularand pine forest and The Fenced Area…

Hi everyone! Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts on my writing! :)


  1. Radost Petrova

    I love how much the story pulls you in and really hope for a second part! I could see the pines and the “RedScales” searching for a weak place in the fence.

  2. Sanna

    Thank you so much! Yes the RedScales are actually a very big preditor and have a very high level of intelligence ( and mortality rate!) Luckily they only live in the deepest of pine forests! Part two is coming soon!

  3. Simon

    Exciting story and you left us with a cliffhanger :) You’re really good at painting pictures in my mind with your writing style!

    • Sanna

      Thank you so much Simon, I love writing :)


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